Easy Rituals for Inspiration and Self-Care

Easy Rituals for Inspiration and Self-Care by Anais

The act of ritual is special and unique to each person. Sometimes when we are busy and wrapped up in daily human life we can fall behind on creating magic space for ourselves. One of the best ways to keep the magic alive (even at a busy time) is to practice it in small ways. Below I'll share some ideas for having more ritual in your life, no matter how busy you are.

1. Light candles for relaxation & stillness

Choose any candle you like (scented, not scented...the choice is yours). Make this your "me time" candle. You can light it when you get home to symbolize the end of the workday, light it for a few minutes before bed as you relax into a peaceful state or anything you'd like. The point of the candle is to have an exercise you can do which will start to tell your body and mind, this time is for me. You can use this time to meditate, to be in stillness, to journal, or to visualize your desires. If you want to go the magic route, this is a good start to candle magic and charging them with your wishes and intentions. 

2. Divine with the Oracle

Pick a deck or oracle cards which speak to you. Choose anytime which feels good to you and sit with the cards and decide if you want to pick a card with an open mind or ask for guidance for the day. From here pull a card and tune into its message. You can do this as little or as often as you'd like. This is a great way to develop your intuition too. 

3. Create a vision board

This can take as much time as it needs too, there is no rush to finish it immediately. Gather magazines and images to create a vision board. You can do it with a goal in mind or just be open to what comes through. You can work on this as you feel drawn to it or set aside a bit of time once a week to add to it.

4. Draw a salt bath

Pick a day when you have time to yourself. Salt is a great edition to the bath as it can help relax your muscles and more. You can use Epsom salt or assorted herbal bath soaks (you can find these at stores or make your own) If you don't have a bathtub you can sprinkle the salt in the bottom and stand in it as the water washes over you. Take a salt bath once a week or a few times a month, whatever works for you. 

5. Feed your mind

Unplug and create space for you by resting. Bring out your favorite book and curl up into a comfy space. If you need to schedule it in, give yourself a time each week you can just sit and read. Be in that space. Light a candle, burn some incense...make it your own ritual. You can start by giving yourself a chapter a week and go up from there.

6. Mediate

Meditation is different for everyone, so whatever counts as mediation for you is what I mean here. Make the time and do it, it's for you. It's okay if it doesn't fit the norm. I'm really connected to the shamanic drum, so I play mine as a meditation. My mind is too busy for silence, but the drum brings me to a very still and peaceful space.

7. Movement

This can be yoga, exercise or even dance. Create a ritual for your body to move and to feel physically alive. I love to dance to my favorite playlist when I'm alone, it also helps me be in my body and to be fully present with it.

8. Honor your need for downtime

Say yes to rest and sleep... even lazy days are needed. Even if it seems like you didn't do much, that's fine. It's all part of the self-care routine. Have a day where you sleep in, maybe even do face steam and watch your guilty pleasure show...you deserve to rest and kick back, so let yourself do so. Slept counts under this too, get your sleep. It keeps us going & healthy.

9. Treat yo self

This could mean getting that acupuncture you wanted, or going to the spa or getting some reiki. Whatever it is, schedule it. Do it for you because you deserve it.

10. Revive your chakras with crystals

Crystals  are a great tool to do a little something nice for yourself. One of my self-care rituals is to give my chakras some love after a clearing. I lay on my yoga mat and place a stone on each Chakra, taking this time to be still and tune into my body. You can pick the stones intuitively or go by chakra association. Just be sure to pick them ahead of time so you don't have to keep getting up. You can stay in this chill healing space for however long you'd like.

Whatever you choose from above just make sure you celebrate yourself. There are so many things we can do for ourselves. Feel free to add all the things you love...add in anything that nourishes you. This is how you build your self care kit! 


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