The Magic and Beauty of Rose

The Magic and Beauty of Rose by Anais

Rose is a deeply healing and nourishing flower, a strong symbol of both beauty and stength. When we pick up a rose our senses are awakened by the sweet smell, and the beautiful vision of the flower itself. Roses grow with thorns, a fact that only deepens my love of Rose. Here we have this delicate, fragrant and gentle flower with sharpness on the stem. The Rose is like the love child of the Queen of Cups and the Queen of Swords in tarot. Sweet but prickly, loving yet self protecive, giving yet having awareness of boundries.

All of this is why I work so intimatly with Rose. With the Rose Libra Full Moon upon us Rose has come up strongly. Not just for me but for everyone. One look on Instagram and you can see the Rose love. Rose is a a great flower to work with anytime, however when it comes to full moons, Libra moons are ideal for Rose magic.

Energetically working with rose is ideal for love, compassion, attraction (love and friendships), healing of the heart and building up ones self confidence. Spiritually rose is heart charka medicine: it helps heal, support and attune to both the lower heart and the higher heart charkas. Magically rose is associated with the planet Venus and the element of water. As well as the love Goddesses. Rose is used to attract, to call in more love and comapssion, to increase desire and to deepen sensuality. In magic rose is one of the top love herbs.

There are many ways to work with rose: You can take rose tincture, add roses to your bath, drink it as a tea, work with rose oil, place roses on your altar space, use a rose perfume as an anoiting oil, or carry the dried flower buds with you. For this full moon phase get a little rose in your life. Drink some rose tea, buy yourself some flowers,  place some rose petals on your altar or pair them with your Full Moon wish list. Whatever you decide to do - do it with love and awareness and listen closely, see what rose whispers into your ear and to your soul.

This full moon is in the sign of Libra which rules over the “we” aspect of ourselves, our partnerships, and how we connect to others. Mediate on this area of your life, does anything need to change? What is in balance and what is out of balance? Be decisive and clear about what you need and any decisons you need to make. Set boundaries, call in some love, get in that Venus mood, treat yourself, and seek balance This is the medicine of this full moon.

Beauty in Life Ritual by Anais

A libra full moon is a great time for us to reconnect with our heart chakras and the beautiy in our lives. This is a simple ritual to connect with the beautiful things in your life with the support of the moon.

What do you need:
Rose petals
A bowl of clean water
Rose quartz
A candle
A journal + a pen  

What to do:

Set up and clear your space as you would in any ritual work. If you prefer you can let the water sit out under the moon for a while before you do your ritual. You can set up your space and altar however you would like. Once you are ready to start the work light your candle with intention.

Take a few deep breaths here and connect with your body. Feel the full power of your being and find your center. Once you do pick up the rose quartz crystal and bring it to your heart chakra. Close your eyes here and focus on your heart.

Imagine a pink light emenating from your heart and watch as it warms and wraps over your whole being, sending love and support anythere it is needed. Feel the power of your heart. In this space your can either stay silent, say a prayer, or do a mini visualization. Make it your own.

Once you are ready to move on (still holding the rose quartz) say outloud:

“I see, feel, and experince the beauty in life. I see, feel, and experince the beauty within me. I am grateful for the love I give and receive.”

Take the rose quartz and place it in the center of the bowl, imagning it as a symbol of all the love, support and beauty in your life. The water is the womb, the vessel, life supporting you.

Next, one by one, take a rose petals and give it a meaning (something you are grateful for or love), or make each one a wish you’d like to manifest for this full moon. You can say it aloud or silently in your mind. As you do so place each petal in the water. You can make this as long or as short as you please.

When you are done you can take a few breaths here and place your hands in the water, thanking yourself and all those in your life who have supported you. At this point you can journal, extend the ritual, or close it out.

Keep the rose quartz with you, on your altar or with your wish list as a reminder of what you are gratuful for and what you are manifesting.

Happy Full Moon magic!


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