Super Blue Blood Moon in Leo

Wear the Crown and Climbing the mountain: The upcoming Leo Full Moon and Saturn in Capricorn by Anais

With the upcoming Leo full moon on my mind, I can't help but reflect on goals, aspiration and high hopes. Leo is one of my favorite signs for a moon to be in, at its best it can feel Queenly and deeply optimistic. The year started with a heavy dose of Capricorn, the sturdy, and practical goat. With Capricorn's influence, we are focused on reaching the top of the mountain, we are focused on getting to where we have to go. 

This is great, and I for one have to say despite overwork Capricorn season was very good to me. I became strict about my goals, my intentions and what I have to do to get there. All of this extremely realistic earthiness is great for the building of foundation in our lives but we need a break too...we need to let our hair down and laugh and dance and feel pleasure. I feel this much-needed respite from so much Capricorn is coming in the form of this Leo full moon.

Before we talk about Leo and full moons let us get into Capricorn and Saturn. The lord of time and karma (also known as Saturn) will be in its home sign of Capricorn for the next three years. This is important to know, as we will see many Saturn themes play out in our personal lives and in the world around us. If we don't have an understanding of Saturn and Capricorn, we can feel quite lost or just depressed during this period. 

The animal which represents Capricorn is the goat. The goat sees a goal, a destination, a focus point and with one foot before the other it starts its steady climb up, up and up. Capricorn is a strong, resilient, and practical sign. It has extreme focus and will do whatever needs to be done to get to the destination. Because of this Capricorn can fall into its lower states of being cold, materialistic, disconnected and fall into extreme workaholic tendencies. Capricorn can see and go after what it wants so intensity it will become married to the job, the goal, the career. In the natural astrology chart, Capricorn is associated with the highest peak of the chart, the 10th house. The 10th house is commonly associated with career, status, and reputation.

Capricorn has bone deep resilience and stamina. Its ruling planet Saturn rules over authority, efficiency, leadership, and business. This is the energy of enterprise and entrepreneurship. However, Saturn has to look out for lower manifestations greed, big business willing to eat the little people, materialism, depressive states, and coldness. When you understand Saturn you understand Capricorn. Saturn and Capricorn both bring important messages, and with Saturn being in Capricorn now these messages are stronger than ever for all of us. 

This three year transit will show us where we need to build, where we need to conserve, and where we need to be accountable. This three-year transit will show us where we need to be real and it will reveal areas of weakness so we can change those into strengths. It is saturn's job, even if it does it a bit harshly, to destroy the old and and outworn and build the new. 

We are asked to be the builders now, collectively and in our personal lives. Over this period the above themes can play out and we are asked to be ambitious but plan and build wisely. We are asked to face karmic patterns, responsibility, and to build the secure and sturdy structures we desire. This is a time of self-sufficiency, building, growth, longevity, and progress on both a small and large scale. Put progress and productivity high on your to-do list.

Full moons are powerful, intense, reflective and magical times of the month. When the moon is full in the sky we are asked to stop, to pause and to go within. Full moons are deeply restorative, even if it feels like pure madness at the time. Full moon fever is really a thing, some lock themselves away to take an inward journey and others can turn drunk with the moon feeling all the feels. This month ends with a full moon and an eclipse in the sign of vibrant, expressive, creative, big-hearted and life loving Leo. 

On this full moon, you are asked to bring in the playful expression of Leo. How can you grow with the tough and practical energy of Saturn in Capricorn while still having some fun in your life? How can you work hard, take the slow climb up the mountain and focus on success while not ignoring the other aspects of your life? What do you need to shed or release which blocks your self-expression? How can you have both work and play? 

These are some questions you can sit with and reflect on for this moon. Leo energy is dance, music, big laughs with close friends and the sensual touch of a lover. Leo energy is being alive and feeling how alive you are in your bones and on your skin. It is completely possible to conquer our goals (Capricorn) and enjoy our lives too (Leo). Find a way to have both, find a way to strike a balance...find your way to be both the Goat and the Lion.



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