A belief in magic: An introduction to Mystical Mandrake Root 

Ever since I was a little kid it was important for me to believe in magic. Life would be too bleak, cold and cruel without magic. This is a belief I've held on to strongly my whole life. As the years passed I realized I've worked this belief into everything I do and share. Whether it's an astrology reading, a Tarot reading, one of my jewelry creations or my moon circles. I love to fill others with the hope that magic is real and we all have access to it. I aim to inspire and empower others with tools and knowledge they can use in their day to day lives and beyond. 

We are at a time when magic is more important than ever. There is so much unrest, unfairness, deception and destruction. However, despite everything going on we still wake up every morning in our bodies and part of this planet. If we can't completely control what is happening outside of us, at least not yet, we should at have as much tranquility and nourishment in our homes and personal lives as we can. This is where self-care and magic meet. It is my hope that all of us stay true to ourselves, that we speak our truth and don't fear self expression. We all have something to offer, and even if you don't know what that is you'll find it, you just have to tune into yourself. A little soul searching and looking deep into your own self for understanding can lead to huge shifts and realizations. The journey of the self is one of the most powerful ones we can take. 

I am very much looking forward to joining my cosmic sister Jessica on the journey of this sacred space she has created. I look forward to sharing supportive, informative and healing information with you all and hopefully inspiring a little magic along the way. My name is Anais of Mystical Mandrake Root and I am honored to be a Conjure sister. I'm an astrologer, teacher, artist, and writer. I have created a candle ritual for self-empowerment to celebrate the self. Please see the ritual below.

Until next time,

I am magic!  A self-love ritual

What you need:

1 pink or white candle
1 Rose Quartz
Pen + paper

Pick a day and time you feel grounded and clear headed. If you have a smudge stuck, or palo santo, clear yourself and all the items you will use in the ritual. Take the time to set up, ground and protect your space. Once you are ready, close your eyes and see yourself surrounded by a soft gentle pink light. 

Take a few breaths here then open your eyes and light the candle. Once you do so write down all the ways you are magical, write down what you love about yourself and in what ways you feel powerful. If you would like, you can read the list aloud after you are done to connect further. What you have written belongs to you, it is proof of all the ways you are amazing and powerful. Stay in the space of self-love for as long as you would like. 

When you are ready to end your ritual thank yourself and any guides who have helped you in the ritual. You can leave the candle lit a little longer, just remember to practice fire safety and extinguish it if you leave the room. Go about your normal way of closing out the ritual and closing the space. Use rose quartz as a reminder of what you felt and connected to in the ritual, you can carry the stone, wear it or place it on your altar. Hold the stone whenever you need to reconnect with your magic. 


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