"A conjurer includes, but is certainly not limited to root workers, fortune tellers, midwives, herbalists, hoodoo doctors, voodoo queens, spiritual mediums, persons born with a caul, or second sight, and others who are gifted with verbal or visual communication with the spirit world. The term conjure woman, then, works as an umbrella term for the various forms of healing and spiritual practices with expressly African derivations that appear in African American literature" - Kameelah Martin
The female archetype of the healer and priestess can be seen throughout cultures around the world. Both revered and hated, loved and feared, honored and persecuted. She holds wisdom, magic, raw female power, beauty, attunement with the earth, and strong intuitive instincts. She is the mother, the daughter, the sister, the healer, the medicine woman, the teacher, and the priestess. She is the backbone of the home and a community fixture.
The Conjure Sisters, explores this female archetype with the
goal in mind to help the community regarding spiritual matters. We empower
women by giving them the tools and resources they need to become their own
Conjure Sister. We aim to help anyone in need of spiritual guidance through
plant and animal medicine, religious and spiritual knowledge, natural elements,
and il Segno (the sign). We walk this earth as teachers, to awaken people to
the very real existence of the spiritual plane that surrounds each and
everyone of us.
Jessica Catalano by day, is a professional Chef, cannabis food writer, cannabis edibles expert, the pioneer of strain specific cannabis cuisine, founder and creater of The Ganja Kitchen Revolution, and author of "The Ganja Kitchen Revolution: The Bible of Cannabis Cuisine". By night, she is a practitioner of Benedicaria specializing in healing and protection (spiritual warfare). She does this through the use of rituals, prayer work, novenas, plant work, amulets and talismans, healing tools, dreams, and God's will. She is also the founder and creator of The Conjure Sisters. Jessica lives in Port Orchard, but travels to Denver, Colorado and Buffalo, NY for short family trips.
Instagram: @chefjessicacatalano
Twitter: @JessicaCatalano
Facebook: The Ganja Kitchen Revolution
Website: The Ganja Kitchen Revolution
Book: The Ganja Kitchen Revolution: The Bible of Cannabis Cuisine
Instagram: @chefjessicacatalano
Twitter: @JessicaCatalano
Facebook: The Ganja Kitchen Revolution
Website: The Ganja Kitchen Revolution
Book: The Ganja Kitchen Revolution: The Bible of Cannabis Cuisine

Anais is a Cosmic Astrologer, Root Priestess, Teacher and Intuitive Guide. She is the founder and creator of Mystical Mandrake Root. She is also the co-blogger of The Conjure Sisters. Anais lives and works out of New York City with short stays in New Orleans. She offers many services for healing, support, self-empowerment and personal growth.
Instagram: @mysticalmandrakeroot
Facebook: Mystical Mandrake Root
Website: Mystical Mandrake Root
Tumblr: Mystical Mandrake Root
Instagram: @mysticalmandrakeroot
Facebook: Mystical Mandrake Root
Website: Mystical Mandrake Root
Tumblr: Mystical Mandrake Root
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