The Magic and Beauty of Rose
The Magic and Beauty of Rose by Anais Rose is a deeply healing and nourishing flower, a strong symbol of both beauty and stength. When we pick up a rose our senses are awakened by the sweet smell, and the beautiful vision of the flower itself. Roses grow with thorns, a fact that only deepens my love of Rose. Here we have this delicate, fragrant and gentle flower with sharpness on the stem. The Rose is like the love child of the Queen of Cups and the Queen of Swords in tarot. Sweet but prickly, loving yet self protecive, giving yet having awareness of boundries. All of this is why I work so intimatly with Rose. With the Rose Libra Full Moon upon us Rose has come up strongly. Not just for me but for everyone. One look on Instagram and you can see the Rose love. Rose is a a great flower to work with anytime, however when it comes to full moons, Libra moons are ideal for Rose magic. Energetically working with rose is ideal for love, compassion, attraction (love and friendshi...